Sunday, December 17, 2017

The compulsory of Control genes on compulsion

The compulsory of Control genes on compulsion:
16 December 2017
Image result for GENES

The control genes in any systems must act on best practices in compulsion to realize desired results via gender expressions for diversity.
Compulsions are necessary on best practices like children education, health and election commission’s EVM technologies for fine gender expression,periodic growth and diversity in reproduction and not of corrupt characters.
If the control genes in Judicial systems fails to act on such compulsion that the biodiversity shall be delayed and the control genes held in systems liable for elimination in due course of time where the social immunity begin the vanish.
Compulsion on bad practices shall retain uncivilized world,bad characters and develop intolerance.
When control genes in any systems found inactive on compulsion against scams and swindling menace shall lead the Nation towards poverty, misery and mental degradation to commit suicide.
Government orders are not mandatory to control genes in Judicial system which bound to enlighten civilization.
Control genes in judicial system must act on compulsion against issues, values to expedite diversity and enlighten civilization for periodic growth,reproduction and Peace.
The truth prevails!

By Unpaid Media writer
Anandaraj Karunakaran- Ex - Navy Arm,
AamAadmi Research & Development Program,
Kumbakonam, Tamil Nadu, India.e mail
NGO is in Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations

EVM or Natural process for biodiversity

Synopsis 41: EVM or Natural process for biodiversity
17 November 2017
No automatic alt text available.
Vote is act of gender expression which is very important in democratic systems for biodiversity.
Gender expression is manually expressed via EVM machine and why not Naturally expressed on ballot boxes and biodiversity cannot be done on machine?
Therefore EVM Machine what ever it may be can never and ever expedite biodiversity in India.
Why judiciary and political parties in India did not follow natural factors in low price and continue in polluting socioeconomic environment via EVM machine in high cost by throwing mud on each others face after elections.
The truth prevails!

By Unpaid Media writer
AnandarajKarunakaran- Ex - Navy Arm,
AamAadmi Research & Development Program,
Kumbakonam, Tamil Nadu, India.e mail
NGO is in Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations

Saturday, December 16, 2017

Do Whatever you want Delhi Medical Association!

When Delhi Medical Association Darya Ganj office is fully devoted for its total work up on health policies and other issues of Delhi Govt, then undertake and give in written that such things shall be avoided in future.
Request the government on such error made by Max Hospital as you all educated doctors and don’t use the word irrational and autocratic and going for strike.
Not advisable to revoke the license cancellation until one realizes the importance functioning of Delhi government on health and education.
Do what ever you want Darya Ganj Delhi Medical Association!

Image result for DELHI medical association
By Unpaid Media writer
AnandarajKarunakaran- Ex - Navy Arm,
AamAadmi Research & Development Program,
Kumbakonam, Tamil Nadu, India.e mail
NGO is in Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations

EVM Devils must be replaced by Indians on Ballot Paper.

Voice of AAM AADMI: 92 

Image result for ballot paper
Paper Ballot is easy to understand:
Voting procedure is easy to understand and to commence. The voter just has to put an “X” in the box next to the name of the candidate of the voter’s choice.
Resistant to Fraud:
A paper ballot contains lots of useful information, not only the information about the vote but also the information about the voter. Each ballot paper is entirely different from another due to the different colors of ink, different styles of handwritings etc. hence erasing the original vote doesn’t seem to be easy. Creating fraudulent votes need much more hard work and then replacing them with the original votes isn’t a cheesy task.
Identical ballot and same system for all voters:
Military, absentee, provisional voters and disabled voters have the same ballot for voting.
Paper Ballots are inherently voter verified:
A voter can easily and immediately make out that his/her information and votes are verified. Nothing is hidden and confusing.
Ceases several voting attempts:
Each voter is given only one chance to vote. Like in some of the EVMs ‘smart cards’ need to be inserted to allow voting which can be misused by inserting it several times to vote.
Paper Ballot is like the official record of the vote:
After the voter mark the paper ballot it becomes the official record of the vote and then used in recounts.
The paper ballot system can easily adjust with additional voters at less cost:
If unexpectedly during a large turn-out in that case only additional privacy booths need to be provided and a single scanner can handle the large number of voters from multiple privacy booths and locations.
Continued voting without failure:
Unlike the EVMs, Paper ballot voting can be continued in the case of prolonged power failure and can be counted in hand during power failure.
Consumes less time and seems familiar:
Paper ballot voting is much easier and seems familiar than the EVMs voting. Especially the elders find it quite easy for them to understand and to vote through ballot paper. This reduces the time taken for voting.
No fear of technological errors:
Paper ballot voting included no electronic device hence there is no fear of hacking, fraud, replacement of parts, and errors in the electoral process. It’s safe and clean.
Extremely simple and without technical complexities:
Paper ballot is the simplest way of voting which is easy to implement and understand, there is nothing that a voter cannot identify and verify.
Gives no reason to escape from voting:
Paper Ballot is the traditional and the ancient way of voting that looks comfortable to each and every voter. There is no reason to make an escape from voting not at least because of the voting procedure in EVMs.
Purely Independent without outer Inferences:
Ballot paper voting doesn’t require any interference of manufacturers, political connections. It is purely dependent on the voter’s intent.
Elections are the foundation of our Democracy. Computers are always unsafe and prone to frauds. We need such an electoral process via ballet paper which is fraud free and non-vulnerable to tampering and malicious attempts. Computerized voting would be fallacious and the candidates be declared as the winners and hence our democracy is destroyed.
Voting must be kept as simple as possible if we truly want to show a collective will while choosing the right person for our government. Several countries have already rejected EVM voting system because it is just not reliable and trustworthy.
In India where the atmosphere is so much prone to corruption and dirty politics EVMs voting system is certainly not a beneficial idea. India needs a simple and ethical system that helps the voters to express themselves fully and freely. Ballot paper voting is the most suitable system for the present scenario of India.

Information studied and collected By
Anandaraj Karunakaran- Ex - Navy Arm,
Aam Aadm Research and Development program,
Kamarajar Road, Kumbakonam,Tamilnadu, India-
e mail:
NGO is in Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations

Sunday, December 3, 2017

आम आदमी पार्टी को अगले दिल्ली चुनाव के लिए अभी से तैयार होना चाहिए ??

आम आदमी पार्टी को अगले दिल्ली चुनाव के लिए अभी से तैयार होना चाहिए ??
- अजय 03/12/17 

आम आदमी पार्टी का उदय एक आंदोलन से हुआ है और पार्टी शुरूआत में जीरो से 28 सीट जीत चुकी है, उसके बाद अगले विधानसभा चुनाव में 28 से 67 सीट जोकि एक एतिहासिक जीत थी लेकिन अब आम आदमी पार्टी कई उठा-पटक से जूझ रही है फिर चाहे, अंदरूनी समस्या हो, केंद्र के अत्याचार हो, या फिर LG से टकराव, बागी नेता, या बीजेपी की घटिया राजनीति |

Image result for आप

कुछ सवाल, कुछ मुद्दे, कुछ विषय जिनपर आम आदमी पार्टी को ध्यान देना चाहिए:-

1. दिल्ली में अगले चुनाव में किस नाम पर अब वोट मांगेंगे ??

आम आदमी पार्टी का एजेंडा भ्रष्टाचार के विरोध का था लेकिन ACB छीने जाने के बाद इस क्षेत्र में कोई काम नही हुआ है | दिल्ली सरकार ने स्वास्थ्य, शिक्षा, बिजली, पानी आदि में शानदार काम किया है लेकिन इसका प्रचार प्रसार करने में अभी आम आदमी पार्टी सफल नही हुई है |
आम आदमी पार्टी और केजरीवाल सरकार को कुछ ऐसा काम करना पड़ेगा जिससे की एक अलग प्रभाव दिल्ली में झलके जैसा कि 49 दिनों के बाद था |

2. आम आदमी पार्टी में संगठन की कमी ??

वास्तविकता में आम आदमी पार्टी का संगठन दिल्ली में अब उतना सकिर्य नही है जितना की पहले था, पहले दिल्ली में चुनाव के दौरान पार्टी के निस्वार्थ कार्यकर्ता ही आप की शक्ति थे जिसमे से अधिकांश को पार्टी के सदस्य तक नही थे | आम आदमी पार्टी को चाहिए कि वो विधायकों के सहारे ना बैठे बल्कि हर विधानसभा से अपने संगठन और बूथ को मजबूत करें |

3. विधायकों में नाराजगी, बागीपन ?

आम आदमी पार्टी के कई विधायक पार्टी से नाराज चल रहे है चाहे फिर उनके निजी कारण हो या फिर पार्टी से अलगाव लेकिन आम आदमी पार्टी को चाहिए की उनके उपर अपना स्टैंड साफ़ करें | जिस विधानसभा से विधायक यदि पार्टी विरोधी हो चूका है तो फिर वहां अपना संगठन पर ध्यान दें |

4. आम आदमी को सह-संयोजक की जरूरत है ?

आम आदमी पार्टी के संयोजक अरविन्द केजरीवाल दिल्ली के मुख्यमंत्री भी है जिसके चलते वह पार्टी को ज्यादा समय नही दे पाते, जब वहन पार्टी पर ध्यान देने की कोशिश करते है तो विपक्षी उनपर आरोप लगाते है की वहन दिल्ली सरकार पर ध्यान नही दे रहे | अतः आम आदमी पार्टी को अपने नेताओ में से किसी वरिष्ठ नेता को सह-संयोजक बनाना चाहिए जोकि पार्टी पर पूर्ण रूप से ध्यान दे सके |

5. पार्टी में नैतिकता को दोबारा लाना पड़ेगा ?

योगेन्द्र यादव के जाने के बाद आरोप लगते रहे है पार्टी में नैतिकता का स्तर जा चूका है, पार्टी माने या ना माने लेकिन पार्टी में आंतरिक लोकतंत्र की कमी हो गयी है , पार्टी को इस मसले पर सोचना पड़ेगा और लोकपाल पद दोबारा बनाना पड़ेगा |

6. पार्टी के नाराज कार्यकर्ताओ, समर्थको, सदस्यों की शिकायत समस्या निवारण के लिए काम ?

आम आदमी पार्टी को चाहिए कि वो अपनी वेबसाइट के माध्यम से कार्यकर्ताओं की समस्या सुने और उनका समाधान करे, ये अपने आप में एक अनूठा तरीका होगा |  आम आदमी पार्टी नये कामो के लिए जानी जाती है ऑनलाइन शिकायत निवारण करने से पार्टी में जवाबदेही और आंतरिक लोकतंत्र मजबूत होगा |

.....................आगे जल्द ही

I Am Raising : संकलन

दिन प्रतिदिन वातावरण में उठने वाले सभी मुद्दों जोकि सामाजिक , राजनीतिक इत्यादी है, का संकलन यहाँ किया गया है |लेखन और सामग्री व्यक्तिगत विचार है |