Sunday, December 17, 2017

EVM or Natural process for biodiversity

Synopsis 41: EVM or Natural process for biodiversity
17 November 2017
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Vote is act of gender expression which is very important in democratic systems for biodiversity.
Gender expression is manually expressed via EVM machine and why not Naturally expressed on ballot boxes and biodiversity cannot be done on machine?
Therefore EVM Machine what ever it may be can never and ever expedite biodiversity in India.
Why judiciary and political parties in India did not follow natural factors in low price and continue in polluting socioeconomic environment via EVM machine in high cost by throwing mud on each others face after elections.
The truth prevails!

By Unpaid Media writer
AnandarajKarunakaran- Ex - Navy Arm,
AamAadmi Research & Development Program,
Kumbakonam, Tamil Nadu, India.e mail
NGO is in Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations

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