What makes hopelessness among Indian voters to be in love and follow hopeless people during election process and face the consequences thereafter?
Prevailing volume of graft, corruption and environmental degradation in India is deteriorating the transparency and expectation of positive outcomes in human conscience and develop Skepticism by guessing the danger in fear.
The Skepticism and fear in socioeconomic structure is suspends diversity indefinitely in race, religion and languages.
Such states in socioeconomic structure make humans to lose hope, the optimistic state of mind on tolerance, social commitment and structure of one's life and become cronies in building capital via scams. Like Indians experiencing since Independence.
The cronies love and follow hopeless people during election and demoralize civilization with lust of domination.
This is called ‘Modern Socioeconomic Slavery’ in space age civilization created by crony capitalism around the world.
The consequences thereafter:
The Skepticism and fear in socioeconomic structure is the key factor for the hopelessness in people to follow hopeless people inconsistently during election.
The Skepticism and fear created crony capitalism shall shave off India’s human development Index score in disparities.
Such disparities during infrastructural work held under developing countries shall pull down the India"s world ranking until fear is being removed by transparency in human conscience in India to move towards developed Nation.
[Currently India is ranked 131 out of 188 countries in U.N list- Norway 1st Rank live in Peace]
Be brave in getting out of such Indian shabby survey reports which does not have the knowledge in socioeconomic and environmental impact in human conscience to be transparent on moving India towards Developed Nation!
The truth prevails!
By: Unpaid Media writer
Anandaraj Karunakaran- Ex - Navy Arm,
Aam Aadmi Research & Development Program,
Kumbakonam, Tamil Nadu, India. e mail a_karuna@live.com
NGO is in Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations
The success story of Group mechanism Among Delhi Aapians needs to be followed by rest of the Aapians in India.
Group mechanism has been defined as two or more people who interact with one another, share similar characteristics and collectively gain alternate self and mutual respect, trust via sense of communication to maintain unity.
Unity reaches Aapians to power and form alternate governance for diversity of population.
There may be many Group development model in the world, but Delhi Aapian’s group interacted with one another by sharing similar characteristics and gained alternate self and mutual respect, trust among themselves and reached power and formed alternate governance for diversity of Delhi population in success.
He who fails in a group of people to interact with one another or fail to share similar characteristics may not gain alternate self and mutual respect, trust via sense of communication to maintain unity.
But, remain junk without power in disputes with broken group of people.
The junk broken group of Aapians in any states may not have the optimistic state of mind on tolerance, social commitment and structure of one's life and fail in delivering true statement in concern geographical area in public or Mohalla Sabha where the aim and objectives of their future alternate Governance shall get flopped.
Therefore, Aapians needs to be careful and follow Delhi Aapians accordingly by conducting studies on their own groups for success.
Disciplinary action against individual or group is possible and wise when one in officially in Power at particular State.
Until such time a merger or ombudsman is a deal or protocol to unite two or more Aapian Groups in a state to maintain solidarity in fight against giant graft, corruption and communal-ism to reach Power and diversify people towards transparent India without fail.
Try now to maintain group mechanism at your state!
The truth prevails!
Unpaid Media writer
Anandaraj Karunakaran- Ex - Navy Arm,
Aam Aadmi Research & Development Program,
Kumbakonam, Tamil Nadu, India. e mail a_karuna@live.com
NGO is in Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations
11 November 2017 Synopsis 40
Why stubble fire menaces not reached farmer’s conscience even though government machinery are involved all these years in awareness program?
Government did not create awareness or helped farmers properly to convert the stubble into manure.
Whatever the awareness created all these years by governments is not sufficient.
Because, that the government used only paid official machinery and professionals to create awareness on stubble burning without adding the humanists in awareness program on honorarium who ease the conscious in human psyche for better understanding.
In the past it was conducted by concerned governments with paid official machinery and professionals who are interacted among human sense of faith with unease conscious presence in psyche of farmers who missed information in conscience.
The farmers he who missed information is conscience may not understand the implications held in stubble burning.
Therefore, that the farmers did not understand and accept the cause of such bad practices of stubble burning in conscience at ground level all these years.
Try now by demanding honorarium amount to honor humanists from National Green Tribunal as State governments are paying official machinery and professionals in stubble burning menace awareness program for eradication of stubble burning.
Adding Humanists on honorarium in stubble burning menaces program does not mean in awarding contract to puppet ‘NGOs” in corruption.
Along with paid official machinery and professionals, add and honor honorarium to humanists to ease human conscious in stubble burning menace awareness program for success.
Humanist is plenty available in India in the form of poet, writer, cartoonist, and editor, actor, director, Journalist, Lyricist, music director, sports, Philosophy, Economist, historian, teacher and from defense sector from all over Indian towns and villages.
Adding humanists in the program must be like Anganwadi workers appointed by Delhi AAP Government to eradicate stubble burning once for all on our Indian soil.
Thank you
The truth prevails!
Written By
Unpaid media writer,
Anandaraj Karunakaran- Ex - Navy Arm,
Aam Aadmi Research and Development Program,
Kumbakonam, Tamilnadu, India, e mail: a_karuna@live.com
NGO is in Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations.
Do you know, how Human become psychopath and dictator?
Voice of Aam Aadmi; 112
Human brain view objects from multiple angles and deliver the messages via mother tongue or any other languages to be true or lie like sociopath and synonymous become psychopath in public life.
The interconnecting objects such as traits in human brain under given biological condition is interacting in human psyche that determined the messages to be true or false to deliver in public.
When, such human traits continue to exercise under polluted biosphere and unstable climate change that the interconnecting objects such as traits is lose their special characters and stumble their uniform properties in brain and become subject.
The loss of special character in interconnecting objects in human brain and stumbled uniform properties is depress the egotist characters to be aggressive during interaction process in psyche and causes psychiatric disorder in behavioral or mental pattern to be a sociopath and synonymous become psychopath. The psychopath is bound to deliver nonstop speeches [like found mentally ill person speaking on the roads] in the form of lies in public.
Subjects always specify and diversify the characters under the condition of unanimous amalgamation. But, object exists with special characters with uniform properties and diversify the characters for evolution and civilization.
That is the reason United Nations Charter and many of the parliamentary and legislative assemblies in the world are still struggling with their subject to diversify the characters of human population and Nation.
Manmade past and present biosphere and environmental degradation is reproduced socioeconomic extremism and terrorism via psychopaths which dictate terms as dictator and made civilizations to suffer.
The psychopaths have fear within and make others to fear. The depressed egotist characters needs to be identified and treated at early stage by Psychological Clinics around the world to protect Global socioeconomic prospects.
At the same time that the Nations need to keep the biosphere and outer space clean to prevent psychopaths and dictatorship on our planet for Peace and prosperity.
The Truth prevails.
Written By:
Unpaid media writer
Anandaraj Karunakaran- Ex - Navy Arm,
Aam Aadmi Research & Development Program,
Kamarajar road, Kumbakonam, Tamil Nadu, India.
e-mail a_karuna@live.com
(NGO is in Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations)
Brain Storm 88: Jumping Finance Minister Arun Jaitley on India’s ranking by World Bank in vain:
Ranking is divide purity and impurity, ’Haves’ and have Not’s for economic indexing to rule under discipline which does not have the capacity to correspond both purity and impurity, ’Haves’ and have Not’s for diversity.
It is the responsibility of governance to improve capacity building measures for diversity.
Banks are on capital mode of operation on values which falls under professional strength on accountability.
Humans are on welfare mode of operation on issues which falls under social strength on responsibility.
The corresponding the Government’s ideology with any banks in the world is require to bring closer similarities with professional strength of accountability with social strength of responsibility by sharing National values and issues equally to build transparent environment for diversity.
Governments can dictate terms with bankers, bureaucrats and their employees and pensioners and license holders to whom Government shared the National values.
Bankers can dictate terms with; Haves’ and corporate where government should not interfere.
At the same time that the governments can’t dictate terms with underprivileged, unemployed and people living in poverty as they are participated in democratic process during election to form government and resolve issues.
They, needs to be celebrated by the Governments in providing employment, ration, housing, education and medical care by sharing the national values equally with their issues to build transparent environment for diversity.
Diversity improves National capacity which changes the attitude of human population and not bank ranking which spill dictation all over and develop Social unrest, strikes and closures that threatens the entire economic ecosystem of the country in a mess as Indians experience!
Diversity changes the attitude of human population and enlightens civilization to live in Peace.
The truth prevails!
Unpaid Media writer
Anandaraj Karunakaran- Ex - Navy Arm,
Aam Aadmi Research & Development Program,
Kumbakonam, Tamil Nadu, India. e mail a_karuna@live.com
(NGO is in Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations)