Tuesday, November 21, 2017

What makes hopelessness among Indian voters?

What makes hopelessness among Indian voters to be in love and follow hopeless people during election process and face the consequences thereafter?

Image result for hopeless Prevailing volume of graft, corruption and environmental degradation in India is deteriorating the transparency and expectation of positive outcomes in human conscience and develop Skepticism by guessing the danger in fear. The Skepticism and fear in socioeconomic structure is suspends diversity indefinitely in race, religion and languages. Such states in socioeconomic structure make humans to lose hope, the optimistic state of mind on tolerance, social commitment and structure of one's life and become cronies in building capital via scams. Like Indians experiencing since Independence. The cronies love and follow hopeless people during election and demoralize civilization with lust of domination. This is called ‘Modern Socioeconomic Slavery’ in space age civilization created by crony capitalism around the world. The consequences thereafter: The Skepticism and fear in socioeconomic structure is the key factor for the hopelessness in people to follow hopeless people inconsistently during election. The Skepticism and fear created crony capitalism shall shave off India’s human development Index score in disparities. Such disparities during infrastructural work held under developing countries shall pull down the India"s world ranking until fear is being removed by transparency in human conscience in India to move towards developed Nation. [Currently India is ranked 131 out of 188 countries in U.N list- Norway 1st Rank live in Peace] Be brave in getting out of such Indian shabby survey reports which does not have the knowledge in socioeconomic and environmental impact in human conscience to be transparent on moving India towards Developed Nation! The truth prevails! By: Unpaid Media writer Anandaraj Karunakaran- Ex - Navy Arm, Aam Aadmi Research & Development Program, Kumbakonam, Tamil Nadu, India. e mail a_karuna@live.com NGO is in Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations

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