Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Guest Post :Do you know, How Human become psychopath and dictator?

Do you know, how Human become psychopath and dictator?
Voice of Aam Aadmi; 112

Image result for psychopath and dictator Human brain view objects from multiple angles and deliver the messages via mother tongue or any other languages to be true or lie like sociopath and synonymous become psychopath in public life. The interconnecting objects such as traits in human brain under given biological condition is interacting in human psyche that determined the messages to be true or false to deliver in public. When, such human traits continue to exercise under polluted biosphere and unstable climate change that the interconnecting objects such as traits is lose their special characters and stumble their uniform properties in brain and become subject. The loss of special character in interconnecting objects in human brain and stumbled uniform properties is depress the egotist characters to be aggressive during interaction process in psyche and causes psychiatric disorder in behavioral or mental pattern to be a sociopath and synonymous become psychopath. The psychopath is bound to deliver nonstop speeches [like found mentally ill person speaking on the roads] in the form of lies in public. Subjects always specify and diversify the characters under the condition of unanimous amalgamation. But, object exists with special characters with uniform properties and diversify the characters for evolution and civilization. That is the reason United Nations Charter and many of the parliamentary and legislative assemblies in the world are still struggling with their subject to diversify the characters of human population and Nation. Manmade past and present biosphere and environmental degradation is reproduced socioeconomic extremism and terrorism via psychopaths which dictate terms as dictator and made civilizations to suffer. The psychopaths have fear within and make others to fear. The depressed egotist characters needs to be identified and treated at early stage by Psychological Clinics around the world to protect Global socioeconomic prospects. At the same time that the Nations need to keep the biosphere and outer space clean to prevent psychopaths and dictatorship on our planet for Peace and prosperity. The Truth prevails. Written By: Unpaid media writer
Anandaraj Karunakaran- Ex - Navy Arm, Aam Aadmi Research & Development Program, Kamarajar road, Kumbakonam, Tamil Nadu, India.
e-mail (NGO is in Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations)

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