Tuesday, November 21, 2017

The success Story of Delhi Aapians

The success story of Group mechanism Among Delhi Aapians needs to be followed by rest of the Aapians in India.

Image result for aap wins delhi elections Group mechanism has been defined as two or more people who interact with one another, share similar characteristics and collectively gain alternate self and mutual respect, trust via sense of communication to maintain unity. Unity reaches Aapians to power and form alternate governance for diversity of population. There may be many Group development model in the world, but Delhi Aapian’s group interacted with one another by sharing similar characteristics and gained alternate self and mutual respect, trust among themselves and reached power and formed alternate governance for diversity of Delhi population in success. He who fails in a group of people to interact with one another or fail to share similar characteristics may not gain alternate self and mutual respect, trust via sense of communication to maintain unity. But, remain junk without power in disputes with broken group of people. The junk broken group of Aapians in any states may not have the optimistic state of mind on tolerance, social commitment and structure of one's life and fail in delivering true statement in concern geographical area in public or Mohalla Sabha where the aim and objectives of their future alternate Governance shall get flopped. Therefore, Aapians needs to be careful and follow Delhi Aapians accordingly by conducting studies on their own groups for success. Disciplinary action against individual or group is possible and wise when one in officially in Power at particular State. Until such time a merger or ombudsman is a deal or protocol to unite two or more Aapian Groups in a state to maintain solidarity in fight against giant graft, corruption and communal-ism to reach Power and diversify people towards transparent India without fail. Try now to maintain group mechanism at your state! The truth prevails! By: Unpaid Media writer Anandaraj Karunakaran- Ex - Navy Arm, Aam Aadmi Research & Development Program, Kumbakonam, Tamil Nadu, India. e mail a_karuna@live.com NGO is in Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations

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