Saturday, November 11, 2017

Opinion: Stubble fire menaces

11 November 2017 Synopsis 40

Why stubble fire menaces not reached farmer’s conscience even though government machinery are involved all these years in awareness program?

Image result for stubble burning
Government did not create awareness or helped farmers properly to convert the stubble into manure. Whatever the awareness created all these years by governments is not sufficient. Because, that the government used only paid official machinery and professionals to create awareness on stubble burning without adding the humanists in awareness program on honorarium who ease the conscious in human psyche for better understanding. In the past it was conducted by concerned governments with paid official machinery and professionals who are interacted among human sense of faith with unease conscious presence in psyche of farmers who missed information in conscience. The farmers he who missed information is conscience may not understand the implications held in stubble burning. Therefore, that the farmers did not understand and accept the cause of such bad practices of stubble burning in conscience at ground level all these years. Try now by demanding honorarium amount to honor humanists from National Green Tribunal as State governments are paying official machinery and professionals in stubble burning menace awareness program for eradication of stubble burning. Adding Humanists on honorarium in stubble burning menaces program does not mean in awarding contract to puppet ‘NGOs” in corruption. Along with paid official machinery and professionals, add and honor honorarium to humanists to ease human conscious in stubble burning menace awareness program for success. Humanist is plenty available in India in the form of poet, writer, cartoonist, and editor, actor, director, Journalist, Lyricist, music director, sports, Philosophy, Economist, historian, teacher and from defense sector from all over Indian towns and villages. Adding humanists in the program must be like Anganwadi workers appointed by Delhi AAP Government to eradicate stubble burning once for all on our Indian soil. Thank you The truth prevails!
Written By Unpaid media writer, Anandaraj Karunakaran- Ex - Navy Arm, Aam Aadmi Research and Development Program, Kumbakonam, Tamilnadu, India, e mail: NGO is in Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations.

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